Values and Statement of Philosophy

Our Vision

Mildura South Primary School’s vision is to establish a culture of Positive Education, creating and maintain a harmonious and engaging learning environment where staff and students together experience PERMA:

P – Positive Emotions

E - Engaging Curriculum

R – Relationships that are authentic and positive

M – Meaningful learning and

A – Accomplishment.

Our Mission

At Mildura South Primary we bring our best selves to school and we love the work that we do.

We believe:-

  • All students can achieve high standards given the right time and the right support
  • All teachers can teach to high standards given time, coaching, professional learning and the right assistance
  • High expectations, teaching to the point of need and early ongoing intervention are essential
  • All leaders, teachers and students can articulate what they are learning and what success looks like (Lyn Sharratt 2019)

Our Values

Infant (Prep, One and Two) Norms – Behaviors we explicitly teach and practice.

Doing our Best

Using Manners

Being Safe

Being Kind and Looking after things

Working towards a shared understanding of our school values: TRICK






Our values are the TRICK to bringing our best selves to school and loving the work that we do (our mission)