Positive Education

Mildura South Primary School is a Positive Education school.  We have been working with Professor Lea Waters on Visible Wellbeing and implementing the See, Hear, Feel framework into our teaching and learning.  To make wellbeing visible, we learn and grow with what we ‘See’, ‘Hear’ and ‘Feel’.  We listen to each-other’s stories and we speak the language of integrity.

Students at Mildura South Primary School approach learning and challenges by drawing on their character strengths.  Teachers build learning about the 24 characters strengths into their daily practice and we endeavour to ‘know’, ‘name’ and ‘grow’ our characters strengths and ‘flourish’ as a school community.

The blend of character strengths and wellbeing teaching and learning is what prepares our students with life skills such as building positive emotions, enhanced resilience, growth mindset and mindfulness.

Teachers and students at Mildura South Primary School bring their best selves to school and love the work that they do.